
Monday, May 28, 2012

Don't Try to Feed Me That Borscht!: The New Red Menace Exposed!

Open wide... if you dare!


Merriam-Webster tells me it's a soup primarily made of beets, and that it can be consumed hot or cold.  That sets off the first warning bell.  Hot or cold??  As in, Cold War???  Yeah, that's right.  I said what we're all thinking.

And that's coming from that notorious leftist rag that Merriam and Webster pass off as a dictionary.  When we go to Wikipedia (The People's Source), we receive a dose of damning truth.  And I quote:  "Borç, (due to the emigration of White Russians to Turkey after their defeat in the Russian Civil War)."  Bam. (Editor's note:  The Freedom Bolding in that quote?  Yeah.  That was me.)

Plus, it's made of beets.  Have you ever seen beets?

Now that we've established the dire nature of this invasion, we need to delineate what we are looking out for...

Borscht can take on many forms:

From the insidiously-seemingly-palatable (and fancy!),

To chunky home-style (starting to show its colors),

To this.  This bowl of Pepto-Bismol is borscht showing its true nature.  Would you trust your children with this soup?  Would you trust your country???

Well, I've decided it's time to shine a light in this dark corner.  Check back for Part 2 of this exposé: "Borscht in the Heartland," where I attempt to eat a borscht served up by local St. Louis restaurant, Dvin (reasonably priced at $3.45!).  Until then, stay vigilant, brothers and sisters.

None of the images used in this article are owned by me, and their rights are retained by their individual owners.

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