
Friday, November 16, 2012

Wii U Karaoke

Note: This image is not from the Wii U karaoke system

Well, I said that Nintendo would be fools if they didn't consider making karaoke software available for their new Wii U console, and it looks like I was proven right.  They released a Nintendo Direct video (video is in Japanese, but you can get the gist even if you don't speak the language, especially if you've ever done Asian-style karaoke before) about a week ago that shows off software that, partnered with Joysound's support, will allow Japanese Wii U users access to about 90,000 songs for karaoke-ing.  The songs will be available at hourly rates, as well as longer-term rates for access to the song library (currently 90 days is the maximum access period that can be purchased, which will cost 2000 yen).

Although 90,000 songs seems a little low compared to Joysound's total catalog, it is far larger than the 1000 songs available on Wii's Joysound software, and 10x as many as the 8000 available on the company's similar offering for the Playstation 3 in Japan (Joysound Dive).  However, my main gripe is that Nintendo/Joysound still cannot see the benefit of releasing this software in the US!  I remain firmly convinced that if karaoke boxes were to pop up (and be more inexpensive) in American cities, karaoke would become every bit as popular here as it is in most East Asian nations.  Bringing over software that replicates that experience not only would be a step towards legitimizing karaoke in America, it would also be a huge windfall for Nintendo.  The only problem that I can imagine is that Joysound may not have the rights to use many English language songs, especially in the US.  In order to succeed in America, there would need to be both a solid stable of classics to choose from and at least relatively quick updates to add songs that are popular right now.  Joysound may have that kind of clout in Japan, but I don't know if they can come over to America and do that with US recording companies.

But let's figure this out, Nintendo & Joysound.  This could be huge for you, and launch is when you need these kinds of novelties the most.

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