
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What I'm All About

I welcome you.  Please wipe your feet before you begin your journey into my mind.  I plan to write about the stuff that I like, which is how I came up with the name.  Things falling into this category will be varied, as I like many different things, ranging from baseball to hipster music to Japanese girls culture to Batman to video games to cooking.  I may even swear occasionally.  It's gonna be wild.

More succinct?  Okay.  Here's what I'm all about, in one glorious picture:

These posts may take the form of a series of reviews (most likely), a sharing of thoughts, a serialized version of some stories a la Charles Dickens back in the day (yes, I just heard you groan.  That's not nice.  You might really like it.  No?  Well, we'll see), or fodder for debate.  In all cases, I will consult the highest authorities available (Wikipedia) to ensure content accuracy.  And I promise not to sign off with a pretentious moniker until I make it big.  Deal?


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