
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Is a Blu-Ray Version of Avatar: The Last Airbender on Its Way?

Keep in mind that I have no real evidence that a Blu-Ray set of Avatar: The Last Airbender is on its way.  This is just a couple of things I noticed mounting up into a surmise.

First of all, when I was on Amazon a while back, I noticed that the prices on all the DVD sets for Avatar had dropped pretty dramatically.

Screen capture taken on August 22, 2012

This is at least five dollars cheaper than I've ever seen these sets priced on, and they've been priced this way for at least a month.  So I began to wonder why.  Then, a bit later, I saw some posts that Bryan Konietzko had made on his Tumblr blog, stating that he has been revisiting some of the old DVD cover art for the original series (links here and here).

Now, I have seen it happen in the past (right before an Xbox 360 redesign, for example) that Amazon will drop prices of something they're worried about being able to unload due to a newer, better version of the product being on the way.  If Brian has been revisiting the artwork for the DVD covers for the old series, maybe it's because he's designing/refining them for a Blu-Ray release, and Amazon wants to try to squeeze all of the sales they can out of the old DVD box sets, then turn around and sell the new Blu-Ray set to those same customers.

Again, I have absolutely no hard evidence that this is the case, nor do I have any confirmation that there will be Blu-Ray versions of any of the series' in the Avatar universe.  But wouldn't it make sense to use the Blu-Ray release of The Legend of Korra (which will almost definitely see a Blu-Ray release, since it was animated in 720p) to reignite the buying passions of Avatar fans around the world?

We will see.

UPDATE:  And now seasons two and three are selling for around $15.50.  Come on, now.  Something's up.

1 comment:

  1. And soon they're going to be like 11$ or cheaper during the flash sale tomorrowwwwwwww


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Barrier exists to break.